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Thursday, January 17, 2002
Okay here goes.
abbot craig kunkes woodward
abbot erica korman jenkintown
abbot jassie kumar woodward
abbot krishna panchapakesan woodward
basu dan neville cathedral prep
joe iole cathedral prep
rob lantzy cathedral prep
boghosian abrar ahmed pace
jeremy abramowitz pace
CHOI!! brandon scott benjamin mays
chris hatfield benjamin mays
dan gilberg edgemont
dan's partner edgemont
nathan leung bellarmine
rickey zackary benjamin mays
sam layne nfa
chuang cristie bendi monticello
ilana dubrovsky monticello
rebecca grossfield monticello
sarah kemp monticello
chuang, s dade isidore newman
s scott isidore newman
cochin ania rurak gds ava jones gds barki nfa dan luxembourg gds
dan zainulbhai gds
mike gentile gds
nina fainberg gds
noah klinger gds
reed nfa
tameem "little azeem" zainulbhai gds
collins dave wilkins oklahoma
elan cohen edgemont
rohan naik edgemont
toku sakai edgemont
delnido allie armbruster pace
craig wickersham bellarmine
jeremy kreisberg edgemont
lauren weinstein carrollton
maya cohen pace
naomi dale woodward
niji jain woodward
sanchit gupta edgemont
suzie catania carrollton
zachary baum edgemont
enrich andrea reed highland park
anthony comfort bellarmine
brett wallace highland park
bunny tucker woodward
caitlin ryan egr
chris sorrentino nfa
kamil pace
liz lundeen egr
pierre nfa
sam ball manchester
eskin bryan gort pace
dorrier coleman pace
fred braunstein pace
jimmy sutherland pace
evans ben simmons st johns
charly donne st johns
marcus luciano st johns
mario muto st johns
matt keeley st johns
tim dean st johns
gingrande alex gutterson lakeland
jake gartman lakeland
matt mutino lakeland
mike costa lakeland
guth andrew nowak cathedral prep
ashton deberry cathedral prep
dennis caughlin cathedral prep
jeff debello cathedral prep
jeff titcomb cathedral prep
michael zurn cathedral prep
mike cess cathedral prep
seamus hartman cathedral prep
hornig/klimoff chris brown cathedral prep
dave weston cathedral prep
justin gutting cathedral prep
michael scrimenti cathedral prep
steve pfister cathedral prep
hsu caroline harkins lakeland
dara scheier lakeland
sarah wright tampa prep
vanessa white lakeland
jenson jc poindexter newark
victor monterrosa newark
kaufman akash kumar edgemont
andrew shah woodward
anubh shah edgemont
arpit garg edgemont
elise burochoff woodward
lauren tanis woodward
keverian...damn big house? ali rios bergenfield
jane akuitie hostos lincoln
jobanna cruz hostos lincoln
kinment lee hostos lincoln
kj bryan hostos lincoln
lacole gonzales hostos lincoln
numrata desai bergenfield
parice grant hostos lincoln
reena rani hostos lincoln
rejo varhese bergenfield
rhea nativida hostos lincoln
sidd dugar edgemont
kittredge kun lam lakeland
lee saffer lakeland
matt malia lakeland
peter cancro lakeland
kung javaid nfa
john manz??? lol
maida manchester
mccurdy nfa
pinzow nfa
prabhu nfa
sayed nfa
lee a moin nfa
chaudhury nfa
d moin nfa
henderson nfa
holt 1 nfa
holt 2 nfa
lemon adam grellinger Chattahoochee
chad hayes Chattahoochee
Janaya Singleton Frederick Douglass
jeremy landau palmetto
josh foster Chattahoochee
Michael Revolus Frederick Douglass
lopez isis sykes newark
marquita bryant newark
maslow craig carlson tampa prep
ed stein tampa prep
matt bandyk tampa prep
noah chestnut tampa prep
ryan oconnell tampa prep
mehr andrew wheeler monticello
chris veros monticello
danny nutters monticello
nick hanssens mit/lexington
menon alex gomelski bergenfield
allen sanchez bergenfield
jan michael racoma bergenfield
reubin quinit bergenfield
misumi ellen mcgrew Chattahoochee
julie hoehn Chattahoochee
shama barday Chattahoochee
niemand adrian ghishiou jenkintown
dan berhent jenkintown
glen kackett jenkintown
nate goralnik phoenix country day
nate's partner phoenix country day
noonan maria rosa manhattan center
marquis harrison manhattan center
miosotis perez manhattan center
pap(AZIAN) matt feldstein edgemont
max "smooth criminal" kaplan edgemont
roy palmetto
steve gardner edgemont
traister edgemont
peckham lincoln pasquina manchester
mike king manchester
sam mathews bergenfield
prenovitz erica keel benjamin mays
nicole quarrels benjamin mays
randi hooker benjamin mays
rosenberg alex pirotta manchester
alex riley manchester
casey thomas manchester
dan burke manchester
jeff gang manchester
wendell smith manchester
rossetti nick lin montevista
sandoz ahmed nfa
hamilton nfa
marcus jenkins benjamin mays
pitsinos nfa
segovia chloe viner manchester
chris gang manchester
Francesca Marangel manchester
geoff derrick manchester
jake elder manchester
mathias manchester
whitney schwartz manchester
singhal joe lazzazaro st johns
john fink st johns
john sutherland st johns
kieth syverson st johns
mark hamer st johns
naveen rao st johns
tanmay gosalia st johns
will sondy st johns
vanneman dimatteo cathedral
jake lowery pace
raaid edgemont
seidemeyer cathedral
wang Abbey Marshak edgemont
Ajaita Shah edgemont
alexandra desherbinin manchester
Chiara Klein edgemont
Shannon Ding edgemont
yvonne robbins manchester
worsnop ben van kuiken egr
chris tippins edgemont
jesse forrester highland park
saurabh bhansali edgemont
travis bye egr
yusah adam abelkop Chattahoochee
brian smith cathedral
cerulo cathedral
monish thawani Chattahoochee
zhu barry chang bellarmine
bisson edgemont
christopher kozak monticello
harin patel edgemont
robert green monticello
Wednesday, January 16, 2002
Okay most of the links are working now. If something doesn't e-mail me quickly.
Tuesday, January 15, 2002
New website design finally up. You have no idea how painful little comma's and apostraphe's are when dealing with javascript. ;O.

First things you'll see up back up are results, partnerships, assignment due dates, schedules and "hopefully" i can get someone to help me with the calendar.

If you are good with HTML and are a sophmore or a freshmen - I need to find someone who can take up the website after i leave.